A chat with Maggie in Alborada

In this exclusive interview with Spanish actor, Maggie Civantos (Locked up, Cable Girls) we unravel the story behind Alborada Espacio Creativo, her most personal creative project in Coin, Andalusia. Discover how Zoco Home played a pivotal role in enhancing the aesthetic and preserving the essence of this creative haven, a space that seamlessly intertwines art, community, and well-being. The journey to Alborada, beautifully captured in our conversation with the inspiring Maggie Civantos.

What is Alborada Espacio Creativo (Alborada “Creative Space”) and how would you describe it?

Alborada is my baby. It is my most personal project and a dream come true because it is something I envisioned a long time ago, and how can I explain it? Basically, it is a place, a community of artists, and also a space focused on well-being, not only for artists. For me, there is a very clear connection between art and health.

What do you think Zoco Home has brought to your project?

I think what Zoco Home has brought is a lot of light, and I believe it has brought something like a breath of fresh air.

How did you find us?

I came across you on social media, and it was like, 'Ah, they are the ones!' They can help me in the project of creating that link between the boho-chic and the rural.

What made you think we were ‘the ones’?

What worried me was creating something too aesthetic that would lose the essence of the space because that didn't make sense here, so with Zoco Home, we were going to understand each other well. Especially with the use of organic materials. All of this was what I was looking for, and it was what I found.

Watch the interview here.

Explore Alborada Espacio Creativo Project Gallery.

If you want to find out more about what’s offered in Alborada you can visit their website.